Half Brother 

Half brother
High definition digital video, colour, sound
10 minutes, 33 seconds

Videography: Katie Milwright
Cast: Alisdair Macindoe, Josh Mu, Gideon Obarzanek
Choreographer: Jo Lloyd
Editor: Meri Blazevski
Sound designer: J. David Franzke
Second camera operator: Sky Davies
Sound recordist: Gretchen Thornburn
Colourist: Vincent Taylor
Data wrangler: Sophie Beach
Additional cast: Lewis Allen, Lucinda Barnett, Nicholas Chilvers, Alice Dixon, Alison Finn, Shivanjani Lai, Jimmy Nuttall, Nicholas Smith, Hana Vasak, Billy Bartley Nees

Commissioned by the Centre for Contemporary Photography, supported by Irene Sutton, on the occasion of the survey exhibition True Self: David Rosetzky Selected Works.

© David Rosetzky 2022